
Elections Update - Summer 2024

In the month of June 2024, VCU and VCU Health System staff nominated themselves and others to serve a three-year term on VCU’s Staff Senate. Senate received 60 self nominations out of the 81 open seats for the Senate. All those nominated have been appointed as Senators for the next 3-year term, pending acceptance from those individuals.

Elections Eligibility

Staff Senate seeks to have representation from all meta-units within the University. For more information on these meta-units, and to find out your meta-unit, please visit the meta-unit breakdown below.

All non-faculty, full-time VCU employees (VCU classified and University and Academic Professional staff) with at least one year of service are eligible to run and serve as senators.

Staff Senate Background

Staff Senators serve 3-year terms and are expected to serve on at least one Staff Senate subcommittee. Staff Senators will have opportunities to serve on other committees, work groups, or initiatives across the University. Please visit the Become a Senator page for more information.

Election Process

Nomination Phase

The nomination phase will provide an opportunity for VCU staff members to either nominate themselves or another full-time staff member to serve in the Staff Senate. There is no limit to the number of nominees a meta-unit may put forward. The nomination phase for 2024 has closed as of June 14, 2024.

Meta-Unit Break Down

The table below outlines the different meta-units, the MBU that compromise the meta-unit, the number of current employees in the meta-unit, the number of seats given to the meta-unit, and the number of current open seats on Staff Senate. These numbers were last updated May 2024.

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Meta-Unit MBUs Number of Staff* Number of Staff Senate Seats Number of Open Seats**

E and U Admin

E and U Operations

Facilities Operations

Facilities Operations Admin

FM Administration MBU

FM Construction MBU

FM Planning and Design MBU

Human Resources MBU

Office of Sustainability

Parking and Transportation Services

Public Safety And Security MBU

Real Estate Services MBU

Safety and Risk Management

Technology Services MBU

University Space Management

VP for Administration MBU

677 14 14

School Of The Arts MBU

Institute for Contemporary Art MBU

85 2 2
Arts - Qatar Qatar Campus MBU 16 1 1
Business School Of Business MBU 73 1 1
da Vinci Center daVinci Center MBU 7 1 1
Dentistry School Of Dentistry MBU 62 1 1
Engineering College Of Engineering MBU 75 2 2
Development and Alumni Relations 

Development MBU

Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Rel

MPC Foundation Administration MBU

221 4 4
Education School Of Education MBU 195 4 4
Enterprise Marketing and Communications VP Enterprise Mktg and Comm MBU 66 1 1
Finance and Budget

Budgeting And Resource Analysis MBU

Business Services MBU

Chief Operatng Offr Spec Asst MBU

Procurement Operations MBU

Treasury Services MBU

University Controller MBU

129 3 3
Health Professions College of Health Professions MBU     73 1 1
Health Sciences Massey Cancer Center MBU
VP For Health Sciences MBU
276 6 6
Humanities & Sciences College of Humanities and Sciences MBU 147 3 3
L.D. Wilder Govt & Pub. Affairs L D Wilder Sch of Govt & Pub Affrs 51 1 1
Medicine School Of Medicine MBU 698 14 14
Nursing School Of Nursing MBU 54 1 1
Pharmacy School Of Pharmacy MBU 47 1 1
Public Health School of Public Health MBU 29 1 1

Athletics MBU

Audit MBU

Equity and Access Services

iCubed MBU

Office Of President MBU

Office of University Counsel MBU

VP for Inclusive Excellence MBU

VP Government Relations MBU

171 3 3
Provost and Academic Affairs

Center for Urban Communities

Community Engagement and Impact MBU

Global Education Office MBU

Graduate School MBU

Honors College

New Student and Family Programs

Offc of Strategic Enrollment Mngmnt

Office of the Provost MBU

Office of VP for Academic Aff MBU

School of Comm Pub Aff MBU

Summer Intersession

Student Success

VCU Libraries MBU

VCU Online & CPE

409 8 6
Research VP Research MBU 250 5 5
Social Work School Of Social Work MBU 32 1 1
Student Affairs Student Affairs (Vice Provost) MBU 255 5 5
University College University College 6 1 1
VCU Life Sciences Life Sciences MBU 7 1 1

*This number represents full-time Classified and UAP employees at VCU. 

**The number of current open seats for the meta-unit.